Solstice in Fairbanks, Alaska

While the descent into darkness in the winter of Fairbanks can be an ordeal, it is not without magic. The winter light in Fairbanks has an ethereal quality of its own. This is the view out the kitchen window at sunrise — the best place to have a cup of tea, a conversation, watch the light and the chickadee acrobatics.

It is also magical to have the sunken spiral labyrinth a short walk from the house, to have as a special meditative destination at any temperature. In the meditative words of Thích Nhất Hạnh, “Breathing in I am happy, breathing out I am calm”. It also helps to have a special place for the rituals of life’s passages; the labyrinth at solstice is indispensable.

Click to go to The Labyrinth

And among the special blessings of winter is the wondrous Kuska the Chow-Chow.

And then there is the arc of the sun on Solstice, at 2 degrees above the horizon..

The sun at solstice from the University of Alaska, from Eric Muehling:

One Comment

  1. These photographs are exceptional in their affect upon the territory of soul. The cold kind of captures all your attention in the act of resistance to its manifestation. Of course the sun abjours the cold that counteracts its warmth, but; these photos explain the natural affinity of all the seasons and especially the photo of solar noon and its 2 degree placement, giving one the truth of the temporary within the spectrum of the eternal. Very nice! I hope you recover fully from the vile virus. I look forward to continued involvement with your website and all the magic it offers.

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