Ten Paintings of Psyche and Eros

Hugh Douglas Hamilton……Cupid and Psyche in the Nuptial Bower…….1793

Felice Giani……..Myth of Cupid and Psyche……..1794

François Gérald……..Cupid and Psyche…….1798

Frances Jose de Goya…….Allegory of Love, Cupid and Psyche.…….1805

Jacques-Louis David…….Cupid and Psyche.……1817

Jean Baptiste Regnault…….Cupid and Psyche.…….1828

Alponse Legros……..Cupid and Psyche……..1867

William Adolphe Bouguereau……..The Abduction of Psyche…….1895

William-Adolphe Bouruereau…….The Reunion of Cupid and Psyche.……1895

Guillaume Seignac……..Cupid and Psyche…….1905

The Wedding of Psyche to Death Edward Burne-Jones…….The Wedding of Psyche…….1895 It is Psyche’s task,… to relate and soften the great oceanic,…
The Birth of Venus, the Birth of Psyche Pompei, Casa di Venus, before 79 CE Sandro Botticelli…….The Birth of Venus ……..1486 It is…
The Myth of Eros and Psyche The myth not only records the dynamics of romantic love in the male psyche it also…

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