Fire and Spirit

In keeping with its original wind-nature, spirit is always an active, winged, swift-moving being as well as that which vivifies, stimulates, incites, fires, and inspires.

C.G. Jung

Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious
Paragraph 320

Fire, Spirit and Labyrinth

The Labyrinth was started as a five year project five years ago. It felt essentially complete when the four mini-towers in each of the corners were finalized and the four fires were lit on the 2023 September Equinox.

When the Labyrinth was conceptualized, it felt that something should go in each corner, but it was not evident at the time what shapes the corners would take.  Many designs were tried, and the four small towers eventually emerged.

The stone towers seem to anchor the Labyrinth –  while walking the labyrinth is a fluid and moving experience, having the four unmoving, stone corners provides a sense of stability. There are of course four directions, four basic psychological types, four basic elements – all symbolizing a perhaps a basic wholeness.

Lighting the fires in the four corners brought a sense of warmth and spirit.  The Labyrinth felt alive, and walking it became quite a spiritual experience…  


  1. Wow, Steve! What a phenomenal quest you’ve been on. I can only imagine what it feels like for you to walk walk this labyrinth! Thank you for share your journey with us.
    Jenna ❤️

    1. Thanks Jenna. I actually find it easier and more peaceful to walk the labyrinth n the winter rather than the summer — In the summer I tend to see the work that still needs to be done, the stones out of place… I enjoy it most in the summer when other people are there… In the summer what seems to help is meditative walking in variations of Thich Nhat Hanh kind of self-talk (” Breathing in I am calm. Breathing out, I smile.)

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