The Great Incarnation Myth: The Life of Christ

This book is an attempt to present in orderly fashion C.G. Jung’s interpretation of the Christian myth.

He is concerned to rescue for modern man the spiritual treasures which traditional religion can no longer carry. For many, God has abandoned his erstwhile dwelling in the churches and is not likely to return.

“We are living in what the Greeks called the kairos— the right moment— for a ‘metamorphosis of the gods,’ of the fundamental principles and symbols.”

The numinosum is seeking a new incarnation.

We can expect to find help in understanding this event by examining that great incarnation myth, the life of Christ.

Page 12

The Bull at the Center of the Labyrinth In psychological terms, the bull is the primordial unregenerate energy of the masculine archetype…
((Edinger is a brilliant theorist who explains the most complicated of Jung’s theories in an understandable way. Here is an excerpt from…

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