C.G. Jung: “That is my stone. I must have it.”

The Story of the Stone Cube at Bollingen

The story of how this stone came to me is a curious one.

I needed stones for building the enclosing wall for the so-called garden, and ordered them from the quarry near Bollingen.

I was standing by when the mason gave all the measurements to the owner of the quarry, who wrote them down in his notebook.

When the stones arrived by ship and were unloaded, it turned out that the cornerstone had altogether the wrong measurements; instead of a triangular stone, a square block had been sent: a perfect cube of much larger dimensions than had been ordered, about twenty inches thick.

The mason was furious and told the barge men to take it right back with them.

But when I saw the stone, I said, “No, that is my stone, I must have it!”

For I had seen at once that it suited me perfectly and that I wanted to do something with it.

Only I did not yet know what.

Memories, Dreams, Reflections

Page 227

Image: The stone cubes in the air…

Miichael Maeir — Atalanta Fugiens -1617

“The Stone that is Mercury, is cast upon the Earth, exalted on Mountains, resides in the Air, and is nourished in the Waters.”

[“Alchemical emblem depicting the omnipresence of the philosophical matter.

The cubes represent prima materia.”]

The Unfinished Side of the Bollingen Stone: (Almost Merlin/Mercurius) Photo: Kornelia Grabinska, 2011 (That Jung left one side of the stone blank…
Bollingen Stone: This is Telesphorus…. (Inscription:) Ὁ Αἰὼν παῖς ἐστι παίζων, πεττεύων· παιδὸς ἡ βασιληίη» · Τελεσφόρος διελαύνων τοὺς σκοτεινοὺς τοῦ κόσμου…
Stone Carving at Bollingen: The Orphan (Inscription:) I am an orphan, alone: nevertheless I am found everywhere. I am one, but opposed…

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