Interview with MIchael Kokol, the End of the Road Podcast
“Exploring the horizons we never touch because we are already there“
Michael Kokol has put together over 250 interviews about unusual — often spiritual –subjects, a much needed focus in this extroverted and materialistic culture we are pickled in.
I had the pleasure of conversing with him in April, 2024 about the building of the Stone Sanctuary and the Labyrinth and other Jungian topics.
(Ironically, of course, Fairbanks is known as the “End the Road” — you can’t go any further North on paved roads from Fairbanks, and is full of “End of the Roaders”– a local moniker for folks who can’t escape any further, for better or worse. )
From the Preface to the Podcast Interview:
Apr 24, 2024
Stephen Parker, Ph D. is a Jungian and Cardiac psychologist and stone mason. He lives with his partner, Dr. Kornelia Grabinska, a Jungian analyst, in a birch forest overlooking Fairbanks, Alaska. In said forest, he creates various Jungian alchemical and manual handiworks including but not limited to: a Stone Sanctuary (view here), a Labyrinth (view here), a fire altar, red egg, cave, and perhaps Philosopher’s Stone:-) in the Alaskan wilderness. He also produced a series of indoor works of art.
These manual feats synchronistically relate to his own heart issues for the last twenty years, including a severe heart attack fifteen years ago. Out of the heart struggle he has also written a book “Heart Attack and Soul: In the Labyrinth of Healing” https://heartattackandsoul.com.
This podcast is available on your favorite podcast feed, or here,
Have a blessed weekend!