Cerberus, the Three-headed Hound of Hell

[[ Inquiring Jungians would want to know why there is a monstrous three headed dog guarding the way to and from the Underworld/Unconscious….]]

Cereberus, from the Britannica:

, in Greek mythology, the monstrous watchdog of the underworld.

He was usually said to have three heads, though the poet Hesiod said he had 50.

Heads of snakes grew from his back, and he had a serpent’s tail.

He devoured anyone who tried to escape the kingdom of  Hades, the lord of the underworld, and he refused entrance to living humans, though the mythic hero Orpheus gained passage by charming him with music.

One of the labors of the warrior Heracles was to bring Cerberus up to the land of the living; after succeeding he returned the creature to Hades.


The three-headed demon hell-hound of Hades.

Beware of the dog.

He guards the entrance to the Greek Underworld and no-one can enter or leave without getting past him.

Not that many particularly wish to enter the land of the dead.

Another Tyhphon and Echinda production, like his Orthrus,. Ceberbus belongs to Hades and has the disposition of a pit-bull rottweiler in a butcher’s shop.

Eyes: clear, bright and vicious.

Tongue: a healthy red and very slobbery.

Claws: highly polished.

Coat: sleek, glossy and reptilian. Tail: poisoned and barbarous.

Teeth: er, let’s not go into too much detail here.

Only Heracles ever managed to take the Hell Hound for walkies.

In fact only three other beings who weren’t dead managed to get past him at all. Psyche charmed him with her beauty and a doggie choc.

The Sibyl of Cumaie gave him a cake containing a funny substance, and Orpheus lulled him to sleep with his lyre.

Image Source: Flickr

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How to go to Hell and Back (2): Psyche Antonio…
  The hero’s main feat is to overcome the monster…

Greek Demon

The three-headed demon hell-hound of Hades

Beware of the dog. He guards the entrance to the Greek Underworld and no-one can enter or leave without getting past him. Not that many particularly wish to enter the land of the dead.

Another Typhon and Echidna production (like his brother Orthrus), Cerberus belongs to Hades and has the disposition of a pit-bull rottweiler in a butcher’s shop. Eyes: clear, bright and vicious. Tongue: a healthy red and very slobbery. Claws: highly polished. Coat: sleek, glossy and reptilian. Tail: poisoned and barbarous. Teeth: er, let’s not go into too much detail here.

Only Heracles ever managed to take the Hell Hound for walkies. In fact only three other beings who weren’t dead managed to get past him at all. Psyche charmed him with her beauty and a doggie choc. The Sibyl of Cumae gave him a cake containing a funny substance, and Orpheus lulled him to sleep with his lyre.

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