C.G. Jung, on the Political Atmosphere in 1936

 Since my name has been repeatedly drawn into the political discussion, which is, as you best know, in a feverish condition actually.

It happened chiefly on account of the fact that I am interested in the undeniable difTerences in national and racial psychology, which chiefly account for a series of most fatal misunderstandings and practical mistakes in international dealings as well as in internal social frictions.

In a politically poisoned and overheated atmosphere the sane and dispassionate scientific discussion of such delicate, yet most important problems has become well-nigh impossible.

To discuss such matters in public would be about as successful as if the director of a lunatic asylum were to set out to discuss the particular delusions of his patients in the midst of them.

You know, the tragicomical thing is that they are all convinced of their normality as much as the doctor himself of his own mental balance.

Collected Works 18


Page 565

The Origins and Definition of the Concept of Projection Painting…
The Hook of Projection “It frequently happens that the object…
The Map is Not the Territory (Based on Roy Lichtenstein)…


  1. Hi,

    The analogy Jung makes to the asylum doctor, within a group discussion of a singular patients mental condition, is a brilliant one. Identity politics works feverishly to consolidate and conflate that which has been diced and divided by the deviance of diversity. The result resembles a porcelain plate shattered Into many pieces and then carefully glued back, creating the illusion of a vessel that can never serve the hot hash hell it wishes to promulgate onto the whole population.This political agenda guts the concept of one: united we stand, divided we fall. Fortunately, the clown show fells itself within the collective fatigue of disappointed circus goers. The big top, once a pleasant pastime of dreamy dalliance, is on fire. Most are running for the door.

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