John Melhuish Strudwick, A Golden Thread (detail) (1885)

Clotho, Lachesis and Atropos

Known as the Spinner, Clotho spun the thread of life from her distaff onto her spindle. She was responsible for creating the thread of a person’s life, essentially bringing them into existence.

Known as the Allotter or Drawer of Lots, Lachesis measured the thread of life allotted to each person with her measuring rod. She determined the length of each person’s life and assigned their destiny.

Known as the Inflexible or Inevitable, Atropos was the cutter of the thread of life. She chose the manner and time of each person’s death, cutting the thread when their time had come.

Some traditions suggest that the Moirai are the daughters of Nyx, the primordial goddess of the night. Nyx was the daughter of Erebus, the son of Chaos.

 George Frederic Watt…..Chaos…..1880

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  1. Cloth, Lachesis and Atropo. Reminded me of the 3 blind witches that Perseus visited to get the eye that knows all and find out where Medusa was and how to cut her throat to get her blood and use I to kill the sea monster and save Andromeda.

  2. The Trinity of Makers of Mankind evokes the power of the number three. The manufacturer, the fitter and the cutter of the thread of a life is evocative of the mantle worn by every person in the life cycle. The cloth reflects the reality of the individual outward life along with its wearing out – inevitable ending. Cloth is ephemeral and rarely lasts, just as the life of the individual must come to an end, so the thread to the physical world is cut allowing the spiritual reality to take over.

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