The Second Tower : 1931

(Although there are numerous photographs of Bollingen, I could not find any the showed just the third stage of the building of it. The closest was a drawing summary of the five stages.)

I would note that here in Fairbanks it is frequent and almost standard to build a moron (“more-on”) house: “Come to think of it now, I will add some more-on here, and some more-on there.”

Thus the second tower became for me a place of spiritual concentration.

The Second Tower: 1931

After some time had passed again the interval was four years I once more had a feeling of incompleteness.

The building still seemed too primitive to me, and so in 1931 the tower-like annex was extended.

I wanted a room in this tower where I could exist for myself alone.

I had in mind what I had seen in Indian houses, in which there is usually an area though it may be only a corner of a room separated off by a curtain to which the inhabitants can withdraw.

There they meditate for perhaps a quarter or half an hour, or do Yoga exercises.

Such an area of retirement is essential in India, where people live crowded very close together.

In my retiring room I am by myself. I keep the key with me all he time; no one else is allowed in there except with my permission.

In the course of the years I have done paintings on the walls, and so have expressed al those things which have carried me out of time into seclusion, out of the present into timelessness.

Thus the second tower became for me a place of spiritual concentration.

Memories, Dreams, Reflections

Page 214


  1. There is a prime example of a more-on or moron house here in Fairbanks. The home of Dr James Lindquist. Who started treating me at 14 yrs old. He was Swedish and spoke Swedish and came out to the house @ -30 below. I had tonsillitis and He gave me a shot and a script and conversed with my family in Swedish. He built a log home on Slater and it grew longer and longer. As his family grew so did his house. He was a life long friend.

    1. Jeanne: It is my understanding that Fairbanks has more owner-built houses per capita than any other place, and of course not necessarily to code, Our house is more a more-on house than the original smallish house..

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